Sunday, January 2, 2011

2/1/2011 or 1/2/11, whichever you prefer

Already I have not made good on my resolutions. Break them early and there's less disappointment ;)
I still haven't taken down my decorations. That's a  bit too depressing, the over-crowded, glowing lighted-ness makes things feel cozy. Especially when you don't have a fireplace to take over where the Christmas lights leave off. I can't even remember all my ideas of what I would change this year but I thought keeping things tidy was at least a mental note and right now it's TRASHED in here, Lola's toys scattered, the clothes I still need to hang in the closet piled in a basket, the summer clothes I had forgotten in the back of the closet still sitting on top of the storage box waiting to be folded and put inside.
I did clean the bathroom, like, shower curtain and bleach and grout et all. That's a start. Sorry environment for all the chemicals but every once in a while it just NEEDS a serious clean that isn't often found in organic cleaners.
I'm exhausted after a fun night last night at my sister's house and a game of scrabble on the cool new wooden board... that I lost by only 20 points after giving up trying to find a place to lay all my tiles down at once and sealing my victory. Because it was already 11 pm and I was tired.
To feel better about my lack of physical constructiveness I cleaned out the website's email... not exactly useful but it was nice to sort my personal email so...
Oh I know what else has been on my mind. What the heck is with the Luv's commercial where the babies crap their pants for the highest score? Who are the people who get paid to come up with diaper commercials? And where is the Depends commercial like that? And if poo references gives someone a paycheck where can I sign up?

I'm going to use this blog as a way to keep everyone up to date with changes to the website as well as a place to ramble meaningless nothings. I'm researching new products for women's hair, I'm big into pretty metal headbands for myself and it will definitely be in store for the near future.

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